"NPM error" after installing "yarn"Web/nodeJS 2020. 1. 19. 00:17
I've been used the "npm" only, but I heard the "yarn" is more convenient.
So I installed "yarn", to try it in my new node project.
"yarn" was 👍, but suddenly "npm" didn't work.
zsh gave me an error "zsh: command not found: npm"
To solve this problem, I start googgling based on the error message.
I found few solutions like "Change the zsh setting," "Change the PATH," and so on.
But those didn’t work for me at all.
I asked myself when does the matter started, and I got the answer.
Just before I got error, I installed "yarn." After the install, I couldn’t use "npm."
So I changed my searching point, from "zsh: command not found: npm" to "npm error after yarn"
My take away from this experience is "Knowing the situation that caused the error is important."
Search by error messages is great solution, but it isn’t a only way to solve the problem.
npm만 쓰다가 yarn을 써보려고 설치를 했는데 그 이후로 npm이 작동을 하지 않았다.
그걸 모르고 계속 왜 npm이 안되나 하면서 PATH나 zsh 문제인 줄로만 알고 그 쪽을 계속 구글링을 했다.
그러다가 yarn을 설치한 후 부터 안되었던 게 생각이 나서
"npm error after install yarn"으로 검색하니까 해결방법이 바로 떴다.
npm을 global하게 다시 install하니까 거짓말처럼 잘 됐다.
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